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Your information has power. Do the right thing.

Drugs harm our whānau, our businesses, our communities and our way of life. Your tip could help protect your community from illicit drugs, smuggling and other crimes.

We appreciate all tips. We take them seriously and will act on them. That's why it's vital the tips we receive are genuine. To report any suspicious activity you can: 

      • call 0800 WE PROTECT (0800 937 768), 24-hour confidential hotline
      • complete the online form below.

For privacy and operational reasons, we can't provide you with information on the progress or outcome of our investigations.

Use this form to report unusual or suspicious activity to Customs, in confidence. Answer as many questions as you like. Skip any that don’t apply, or that you’d rather not answer.

What does this report involve? Select all that apply, if known.
Has information about this activity or event been reported previously, to Customs or any other organisation?
Is the activity or event ongoing?
Can Customs contact you about this report?
How did you first learn about this initiative and how to report online?

Customs may use the information you provide about yourself or someone else to investigate and prosecute border-related crimes. Where information provided relates to activity outside of Customs’ remit, we may pass that information on to the relevant law enforcement agency, such as New Zealand Police or Ministry for Primary Industries.

Under the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right to request access to your personal information and to request that Customs correct information held about you. For more information about privacy and the information you have provided, view our privacy page.